How do Chiropractors Diagnose the Issue?


Diagnosing the medical issue correctly is the first step in offering treatment. A lot of you might wonder how a San Jose Chiropractor diagnoses the issue.

It begins by interviewing the patient by understanding where he/she is experiencing pain. They also ask about the type of pain they are experiencing, such as shooting, burning, or stabbing. In some cases, the pain is constant, whereas the other patients experience coming and going of pain. The questions also revolve around their lifestyle. You might also have to present the medical history for proper diagnosis.

The next step is physical examination. The strength and flexibility of patient are assessed. The chiropractor also checks range of motion and overall functionality of body. The professionals try to identify the exact location of pain and reason behind it.

Finally, the doctors rely on diagnostic imaging tests. Numerous lower back pain chiropractors have X-ray facility in their center. Others recommend a nearby facility for this purpose. The chiropractors may also include imaging tests like CAT scan, ultrasound, and MRI.

After going through these diagnostic stages, you can be sure that your chiropractor has identified the root cause of pain or related issue. The treatment will proceed in the most efficient possible manner.

The San Jose chiropractors from Back To Back Chiropractic Care also rely on a set of diagnostic tests to identify the issue. They use a blend of various therapies, including spinal adjustment, exercises, Kinesio Taping, etc. Learn more from here:


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